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Knowing The Rules Of Evidence Can Make You A Better Lawyer

May 24, 2023   |   Posted by: Admin

I see a lot of attorneys that routinely file motions in federal court that are based on declaration testimony and documentary evidence which is clearly

Avoiding Preferential Transfers When The Bankruptcy Trustee Doesn’t

May 22, 2023   |   Posted by: Admin

With few exceptions, when an unsecured creditor has received one or more payments or other transfers totaling at least $600 from an individual consumer debtor

California Supreme Court Rules Judgment on Demurrer No Bar

May 12, 2023   |   Posted by: Admin

When did the California Supreme Court make this ruling? In 1952. Nevertheless, most attorneys in California either pack up and quit after a judgment on

Discharging Income Taxes in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

May 12, 2020   |   Posted by: Admin

State or federal income taxes can be discharged (forgiven) in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if: ● The tax debt is at least 3 years old.

Stopping Eviction and Curing Rent Default in Bankruptcy

May 12, 2020   |   Posted by: Admin

Prior to the amendments of the Bankruptcy Code in 2005, the filing of a bankruptcy proceeding automatically stayed a residential eviction proceeding unless and until